Category: covid

  • Goodbye July

    Zoom went June Well that month disappeared quickly. It’s been busy! I finished one video project and have done more than a dozen interviews for the next. All mostly via Zoom. Some was field footage and shooting though, and it made me realise how much I still have to learn. The sound was OK, but…

  • Zoom calls, Apple IDs and happy travels…

    25, 26, 27 May So I’ve decided to stop recording the coronavirus lockdown days. It’s kind of over, and we are in post-Covid – no-one is in hospital anymore in New Zealand. The last three days have been a blur of activity. Monday was a straight-forward work day. Tuesday was an early start. I was…

  • 23, 24

    Coronavirus days 59 and 60 It was the end of a couple of months of coronavirus. I had a weekend! Din’t write or do much, but had a few calls with friends and reflected a lot on the last eight weeks. This time has been massive change – and there are good, if uncertain, times…

  • A long talk, a few cans if you can

    Coronavirus day 56 A long conversation today with someone interested in the same kind of service design field I am. We shared tales of woe – in terms of how hard it is for smaller centres to do the type of work they want to, and that their citizens are expecting. Small teams, under resourced…

  • Back to not normal

    Back to not normal

    Coronavirus day 53 Time is ticking, tomorrow the bubblemates go back to school and work. I will stay put with the dog. I think we’ll all be very careful, and get back into things slowly. I like the slower pace. It has been such a strange time. We celebrated tonight with a delicious roast, and…

  • Not a winning ticket

    Coronavirus day 52 I’ve started a zoom call, interview birthday celebration podcast thing. Had the first call today with the fastest facebook commenter, JB. He made the astute point that we’re not, strictly speaking, in lockdown anymore … so I deleted that word from the subtitles. Today was a domestic bliss day – cleaning, washing,…

  • Can you take the ums out please?

    Coronavirus lockdown day 52 The morning was fixing up some final video tweaks, and some administrivia. Friday afternoon beers were welcome, a friend visited, then a zoom call with bandmates. I was late, but we had a good chat. I realised during the course of it that my basic job at the moment, audio and…

  • Day 50 billion

    Coronavirus Lockdown Day 51 Today was the first day of Level 2, after 7 weeks of lockdown. It began early, after another nice sunrise, with an 8am zui (zoom hui). Looks like a positive outcome from that, so another project on the list. Then there was a bit of waiting and non-meetings. I missed a…

  • Fifty, and nearly 50

    Coronavirus lockdown day 50 Day 50 was a budget preview day. Big Norm got a mention. It will be a real change to see an investment budget. Work has been slower the last couple of days (that is not a complaint) and I had time to do a few online tutorials about After Effects. New…

  • Seven-week slowness

    Coronavirus lockdown day 49 Seven weeks this weirdness has continued, and soon it will be Level 2. I’ve been thinking a lot about what lockdown has meant. Certainly it is history in the making and the end of many things. As the US and the UK have shown, the world really could do with looking…

  • Whew!

    Coronavirus lockdown day 48 Monday, and there was only one thing on the calendar – the Level 2 or not announcement. And it was Level 2. So will the country go crazy rushing out for a haircut and some cafe food? Who knows, but probably. I saw one dude complain that it took Jacinda 752…

  • Mother’s Day

    Coronavirus lockdown day 47 A trip to the supermarket last night yielded ingredients for the Mother’s Day breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, banana, maple syrup, icing sugar, lemon … and it was good. Not quite as good as the birthday pancakes, probably because I didn’t have help this time … Anyhoo, it was another lovely day and…