Category: songs

  • An oldie, but a goodie

    I found this podcast script from 2008. It’s dated a bit, but I still like this: The unreserved bank of new Zealand has raised the disinterest rate to a record high 98 percent. The rise is a function of Increased rates of advertising, political pigswill and facile media reporting in the face of ongoing imports…

  • Things are tough

    THE HIPSURFERS Things are tough by thehipsurfers

  • Not a winning ticket

    Coronavirus day 52 I’ve started a zoom call, interview birthday celebration podcast thing. Had the first call today with the fastest facebook commenter, JB. He made the astute point that we’re not, strictly speaking, in lockdown anymore … so I deleted that word from the subtitles. Today was a domestic bliss day – cleaning, washing,…

  • Get busy living

    Coronavirus lockdown day 43 A cold and clear morning with snow on the Double and the Grampians and Mount Richmond, and a dusting near Motueka. More work, delivered a couple of eps of a radio programme; more taking the ums out of videos; more music, more life. Redid some tracks that I had been casually…

  • Ted’s dead

    Coronavirus lockdown day 42 42: The answer to life, the universe and everything. Ironically, also a miscalculation. One thing you couldn’t get wrong though was the temperature today – after a couple of days of rain, some cold southerly snaked its way up the island and dumped snow on the hills. We put the fire…

  • Rain and fire

    Coronavirus lockdown day 38 We have decided we’re going to enter the competition. One old song, one new. SO spent some time figuring out the new song’s structure, chords, phrases, that kind of thing. It’s funny to look at work that way, like the editing process it’s a different skill set and outcome you’re working…

  • A new month

    Coronavirus lockdown day 37 Work, admin, a drive, a drink over a zoom call and the first day of New Zealand Music Month. It will be very much online this year, so that will be interesting. Also there is a competition – could be fun:

  • Quarasurf, or Jamkazam

    Coronavirus lockdown day 6 It was just like the old days at Sawyers Arms Road. Well, it would have been if I was in the garage. Two of the three of us were. We used to jam and write and never, ever drink in a tin triple garage out the back of a flat where…

  • The first death

    Coronavirus lockdown day 4 News today of NZ’s first death from coronavirus on the West Coast. Not unexpected, but still very sad, and it makes everything that much more real, especially for the front line workers. In a small community it will be especially difficult. Hopefully it will also reinforce the message we have to…

  • Aotearoa It’s Christmas

    Aotearoa It’s Christmas

    A Christmas song for those of us in the Southern hemisphere where the whole snow thing makes little sense. It’s silly and cheesy and fun – sing along!