Category: stories

  • An oldie, but a goodie

    I found this podcast script from 2008. It’s dated a bit, but I still like this: The unreserved bank of new Zealand has raised the disinterest rate to a record high 98 percent. The rise is a function of Increased rates of advertising, political pigswill and facile media reporting in the face of ongoing imports…

  • Hello October

    Hello October

    Forgive me dear reader, for I have sinned. It’s been months since my last blog update. There’s been a bit going on. Photos from the last holiday. Must be time for another! I’ve been preoccupied with finishing a video project, a bunch of smaller jobs, and then trying to line up my next work trajectory.…

  • Goodbye July

    Zoom went June Well that month disappeared quickly. It’s been busy! I finished one video project and have done more than a dozen interviews for the next. All mostly via Zoom. Some was field footage and shooting though, and it made me realise how much I still have to learn. The sound was OK, but…

  • Zoom calls, Apple IDs and happy travels…

    25, 26, 27 May So I’ve decided to stop recording the coronavirus lockdown days. It’s kind of over, and we are in post-Covid – no-one is in hospital anymore in New Zealand. The last three days have been a blur of activity. Monday was a straight-forward work day. Tuesday was an early start. I was…

  • 23, 24

    Coronavirus days 59 and 60 It was the end of a couple of months of coronavirus. I had a weekend! Din’t write or do much, but had a few calls with friends and reflected a lot on the last eight weeks. This time has been massive change – and there are good, if uncertain, times…

  • When in doubt, improvise!

    Corona virus day 58 A more settled day, but some how it seems it is the calm before the storm. Busy week ahead next week. An important meeting, a trip over the (physical) hill, the last of a line of things and a gathering for being over the (metaphorical) hill. A long birthday podcast interview…

  • Is it a full moon?

    Coronavirus day 57 Weird things happen around the full moon. I don’t know if today was a full moon or not, but it felt like it! An early start to get work done, school run, then a drive to Motueka to meat the surgical theatre bus. Sounds great doesn’t it, getting surgery on a bus…

  • A long talk, a few cans if you can

    Coronavirus day 56 A long conversation today with someone interested in the same kind of service design field I am. We shared tales of woe – in terms of how hard it is for smaller centres to do the type of work they want to, and that their citizens are expecting. Small teams, under resourced…

  • Meatnik


    Meatnik is a gripping and comedic adventure into cow smuggling, danger, and DNA deals, set in near-future New Zealand.

  • Back to not normal

    Back to not normal

    Coronavirus day 53 Time is ticking, tomorrow the bubblemates go back to school and work. I will stay put with the dog. I think we’ll all be very careful, and get back into things slowly. I like the slower pace. It has been such a strange time. We celebrated tonight with a delicious roast, and…

  • Can you take the ums out please?

    Coronavirus lockdown day 52 The morning was fixing up some final video tweaks, and some administrivia. Friday afternoon beers were welcome, a friend visited, then a zoom call with bandmates. I was late, but we had a good chat. I realised during the course of it that my basic job at the moment, audio and…

  • Day 50 billion

    Coronavirus Lockdown Day 51 Today was the first day of Level 2, after 7 weeks of lockdown. It began early, after another nice sunrise, with an 8am zui (zoom hui). Looks like a positive outcome from that, so another project on the list. Then there was a bit of waiting and non-meetings. I missed a…