Category: audio

  • An oldie, but a goodie

    I found this podcast script from 2008. It’s dated a bit, but I still like this: The unreserved bank of new Zealand has raised the disinterest rate to a record high 98 percent. The rise is a function of Increased rates of advertising, political pigswill and facile media reporting in the face of ongoing imports…

  • Goodbye July

    Zoom went June Well that month disappeared quickly. It’s been busy! I finished one video project and have done more than a dozen interviews for the next. All mostly via Zoom. Some was field footage and shooting though, and it made me realise how much I still have to learn. The sound was OK, but…

  • Things are tough

    THE HIPSURFERS Things are tough by thehipsurfers

  • Is it a full moon?

    Coronavirus day 57 Weird things happen around the full moon. I don’t know if today was a full moon or not, but it felt like it! An early start to get work done, school run, then a drive to Motueka to meat the surgical theatre bus. Sounds great doesn’t it, getting surgery on a bus…

  • Fifty, and nearly 50

    Coronavirus lockdown day 50 Day 50 was a budget preview day. Big Norm got a mention. It will be a real change to see an investment budget. Work has been slower the last couple of days (that is not a complaint) and I had time to do a few online tutorials about After Effects. New…

  • Ted’s dead

    Coronavirus lockdown day 42 42: The answer to life, the universe and everything. Ironically, also a miscalculation. One thing you couldn’t get wrong though was the temperature today – after a couple of days of rain, some cold southerly snaked its way up the island and dumped snow on the hills. We put the fire…

  • A new month

    Coronavirus lockdown day 37 Work, admin, a drive, a drink over a zoom call and the first day of New Zealand Music Month. It will be very much online this year, so that will be interesting. Also there is a competition – could be fun:

  • It happened again

    Coronavirus lockdown day 36 Here I am three days in the future looking back… A busy day, tidying up loose ends, admin, nothing special

  • You’ve yet to have your finest hour, radio

    Coronavirus lockdown day 13 In the blink of an eye, I missed three days? Where did that time go? I mean it’s Easter, so you could use the joke about disappearing for three days and then coming back and taking all the credit … but that isn’t the case here 🙂 Instead it’s been rinse…

  • And the wind cried, really?

    Corona virus lockdown day 12 Sometimes you surprise yourself. You work on something for a while; it’s good. But then you collaborate with someone and something unexpected happens. Flamenco triplets turn up in a straight 4/4; a new cut builds momentum where there was a lull; Random chord injections, resolve and make sense. Suddenly the…

  • Solved: H6 interface and DAW on a Mac

    So I’d been having trouble getting separate tracks into Garageband, Reaper and the like when using the Zoom H6 . When the H6 was in Multi-track mode as an interface, I’d select input 1 and get nothing. Same on input 2. When I switched to setero mix I got level through – but only one…

  • ninjam, reaper and a stack of wood

    ninjam, reaper and a stack of wood

    Coronavirus lockdown day 10 So another beautiful autumn day in Te Tauihu began with a cooked breakfast, before settling into some serious wood stacking. We got about 3 of the 4 cubic meters done, so pretty happy with that. Saw approximately half the neighbourhood walking around, and plenty of smiles, giddays and waves. They say…