Category: sound

  • An oldie, but a goodie

    I found this podcast script from 2008. It’s dated a bit, but I still like this: The unreserved bank of new Zealand has raised the disinterest rate to a record high 98 percent. The rise is a function of Increased rates of advertising, political pigswill and facile media reporting in the face of ongoing imports…

  • Get busy living

    Coronavirus lockdown day 43 A cold and clear morning with snow on the Double and the Grampians and Mount Richmond, and a dusting near Motueka. More work, delivered a couple of eps of a radio programme; more taking the ums out of videos; more music, more life. Redid some tracks that I had been casually…

  • The ballad of Jessie Dredge, or Stay the fuck at home

    Coronavirus lockdown day 41 Some stories seem tailor made for a country song: This one could be called The Ballad of Jessie Dredge. Related:

  • It happened again

    Coronavirus lockdown day 36 Here I am three days in the future looking back… A busy day, tidying up loose ends, admin, nothing special

  • Or is it level down?

    Coronavirus lockdown day 34 Who can tell any more? It’s Level 3, anyway. It was a slow day. Work meetings got postponed, so I did some audio editing, some coding and other tasks. Lots of things are in the nearly finished pile. Made a bit of a plan for the month ahead. Already the city…

  • A stand at dawn

    Anzac Day 2020 We don’t usually go to the official services on Anzac Day – while we commemorate, we don’t celebrate. Don’t get me wrong, I am eternally grateful to those who served and fell, the pomp and ceremony isn’t my cup of tea. This year we did. We all got up and stood at…

  • You’ve yet to have your finest hour, radio

    Coronavirus lockdown day 13 In the blink of an eye, I missed three days? Where did that time go? I mean it’s Easter, so you could use the joke about disappearing for three days and then coming back and taking all the credit … but that isn’t the case here 🙂 Instead it’s been rinse…

  • Solved: H6 interface and DAW on a Mac

    So I’d been having trouble getting separate tracks into Garageband, Reaper and the like when using the Zoom H6 . When the H6 was in Multi-track mode as an interface, I’d select input 1 and get nothing. Same on input 2. When I switched to setero mix I got level through – but only one…

  • ninjam, reaper and a stack of wood

    ninjam, reaper and a stack of wood

    Coronavirus lockdown day 10 So another beautiful autumn day in Te Tauihu began with a cooked breakfast, before settling into some serious wood stacking. We got about 3 of the 4 cubic meters done, so pretty happy with that. Saw approximately half the neighbourhood walking around, and plenty of smiles, giddays and waves. They say…

  • The first death

    Coronavirus lockdown day 4 News today of NZ’s first death from coronavirus on the West Coast. Not unexpected, but still very sad, and it makes everything that much more real, especially for the front line workers. In a small community it will be especially difficult. Hopefully it will also reinforce the message we have to…

  • Aotearoa It’s Christmas

    Aotearoa It’s Christmas

    A Christmas song for those of us in the Southern hemisphere where the whole snow thing makes little sense. It’s silly and cheesy and fun – sing along!

  • Not a winning ticket

    Not a winning ticket

    I’ve mentioned how I entered the RNZ Write an original Christmas song competition. The results are in – and my entry is out! Not a winner. There was an amazing array of entries, all very different and most of them sounded really well recorded and produced. Mine was one of 250 or so entered, so…