Category: covid

  • A birthday in the bubble

    Coronavirus lockdown day 32 I think we celebrated pretty well! A leisurely day, and good practice for a certain date in the future. Slow, but not languid.

  • A stand at dawn

    Anzac Day 2020 We don’t usually go to the official services on Anzac Day – while we commemorate, we don’t celebrate. Don’t get me wrong, I am eternally grateful to those who served and fell, the pomp and ceremony isn’t my cup of tea. This year we did. We all got up and stood at…

  • A walk at sunset

    Coronavirus lockdown day 30

  • Blurring timelines

    Coronavirus lockdown day 29 The timelines are blurring. It could be one day, or another. The days go slow, the year goes fast. It was the first of times, it was the last of times.

  • Four weeks down

    Coronavirus lockdown day 28 So busy again, keeping on keeping on. Today though, I was ever alert, watchful and waiting for the alcohol delivery … The driver had to sight ID, so I taped it to the door in the hope that if I didn’t hear the knock, the package would be left with the…

  • A week, then two weeks, then …

    Coronavirus lockdown day 26 Today was a Monday, as usual. Couple of meetings, bit of editing, then a flurry to get everything done before the announcement. At 4pm we huddled around the wireless (internet, not radio) and listened once more to Jacinda and Ashley. We’re totally on a first name basis now 🙂 Anyhoo, one…

  • The day before the big call

    Coronavirus lockdown day 25 I had a day off of sorts. Not much computer work, just chilling. It was nice. Sought out the sun at times, avoided rain at others. Bit of filling up the rubbish bin. Tomorrow, though, work to do and a bit of a wait to see what happens about the lockdown…

  • What would level 3 look like?

    Coronavirus lockdown day 24 The same, but different. Only slightly different. It’s really stay at home if you can, limit bubble expansion and hang tight. explains it (text) Covid Alert Levels Detailed (pdf) So for now, that’s more music from a distance, working from home, waiting, re-watching Scrubs and pottering about the house. More…

  • Friday on my mind

    Coronoavirus lockdown day 23 A good Friday, in the sense the work week had rounded out, jobs were done, and there was an end of week catch-up with friends. We played online 500. Everyone’s the same – staying put, hoping it’s going to be over, half-working, half-wondering what on earth the future holds. Bit of…

  • Feedback is good

    Coronavirus lockdown day 22 Today was a good day – not one, but two pieces of unsolicited and positive feedback. So that means tomorrow it might all fall apart, but today was good. We take the wins where we can get them!

  • Three strange weeks

    Coronavirus lockdown day 21 Different day, same old shoes; Different week, same old blues. It’s getting harder to remember what we did each day. Ther was admin, emails, a headache that came and went. Feijoa fell and the sun shone. I went to the supermarket, only the second time driving in three weeks. It was…

  • Balance? There is no balance.

    Coronavirus lockdown day 20 Today was a run around, email, chase the tail, task, task, re-task kind of day. Took some time away from the computer, persistent slight headache kind of day. Felt like everything was out of balance. Plus it was cold as a well digger’s duck. I was reading recently about how there…