Category: Uncategorized

  • Something out of nothing

    Coronavirus day 55 A long interview today – it will end up being a two parter, at least, on the podcast. It will be really good when it is done. But it has been slow, intensive work. About four and a half or five hours editing for a 15-minute piece. I’m going to be pretty…

  • A birthday in the bubble

    Coronavirus lockdown day 32 I think we celebrated pretty well! A leisurely day, and good practice for a certain date in the future. Slow, but not languid.

  • Are you there?

    Coronavirus lockdown day 27 Tuesday, was, well, busy. Lots of work and admin and go, go, go. I was obviously focused, because I managed to miss the alcohol delivery we arranged … they rang twice, and I completely missed it. They rang later and asked if I was there … like, uh, where else would…

  • Feijoa, gin and history

    Coronavirus lockdown day 14 Thursday was busy, and a bit challenging. Meetings and calls in the morning, and more in the afternoon. In the bits inbetween I whacked down a fence post, trimmed a hairy feijoa tree which feeds the rats, which get under the floor, which eat the bait, and come from next door……