Coronavirus lockdown day 50

Day 50 was a budget preview day. Big Norm got a mention. It will be a real change to see an investment budget.
Work has been slower the last couple of days (that is not a complaint) and I had time to do a few online tutorials about After Effects.
New neighbours arrived, although there’s no sold sign on the house next door.
The sunset, and the sunrise today were magnificent. it is my favourite time of year.
And soon, my birthday. So what will I do? Probably, a few folk over on the night. Shashlik. A vodka or two, snacks and the like. Singing perhaps.
But I am tempted to do a 50 at 50 thing. Something creative, something different. Something I wouldn’t normally do.
50 zoom meetings with friends old and new… this could be a good podcast … 50 bike rides? 50 rambles and rants? Hmm, thinking cap on!
A few minutes after writing this I posted on social media. I had 10 people within about 30 minutes.
Folks, your attention. Soon I am 50.
I can only have a few people over in person on the day, so I’m thinking of a way we can celebrate together.
Over the coming weeks, we’ll schedule a zoom chat (or similar) and we’ll swap a memorable story with each other.
It might be how we met, some hijinks, things that went well, things that spectacularly didn’t, or any of the nicks and scars we collected through our lives. Memories, hopes, dreams.
Or you could mix a drink for me and we’ll share it virtually. Or something else fun and creative.
Here’s the catch – I’d record it, and make it a podcast.
Richard Liddicoat – celebrating 50 years.
Who’s in?? Like for yes!