Author: richard

  • A flop, a schlep and a lump

    There were things to celebrate, and things to be sad about. There were fun songs and sad songs. Then after a mix of Moscow mules, Long Island Ice Teas, a single malt, some salty snacks, warehou and chips and a taxi ride home, it was a relatively early flop into the sack on Friday night.…

  • Not a winning ticket

    Not a winning ticket

    I’ve mentioned how I entered the RNZ Write an original Christmas song competition. The results are in – and my entry is out! Not a winner. There was an amazing array of entries, all very different and most of them sounded really well recorded and produced. Mine was one of 250 or so entered, so…

  • Old loops

    Old loops

    Found these when digging in the ashes of some previous sessions. Short tracks, silly ditties and auto-generated songs. Which is your favourite? You can find more over at Soundcloud

  • Something special; something finished

    I write a bit – often in fits and starts. But today I finished something. Radio New Zealand are running a competition to write a Christmas song. When I first heard about it I was on leave, driving down the east coast. I got the first lines reasonably quickly, mulled the rest for a bit.…

  • Begin the benign

    benign, Adj, from the Old French benigne, who nicked it off the Latin beningus, it means kind, gentle and mild. You can check it at wordnik Perhaps it’s the early onset old-timers, perhaps it’s the desire for a new set of references, or a new routine. Perhaps it’s time to be kind with the future…

  • Right, this time

    Starting again, for the umpteenth time.