Tag: corona

  • Week one feels like a month

    Coronavirus lockdown day 7 The dog was up early, barking at us. I slept a little late after a couple of beers last night. The first beers in a while, to be fair. So after annoying us, the dog went and sat in front of the teenager’s face. (Remember everything was taken out of the…

  • Quarasurf, or Jamkazam

    Coronavirus lockdown day 6 It was just like the old days at Sawyers Arms Road. Well, it would have been if I was in the garage. Two of the three of us were. We used to jam and write and never, ever drink in a tin triple garage out the back of a flat where…

  • We won’t go back to normal because ‘the normal’ is the problem

    Coronavirus lockdown day 3 "We won't go back to normal, because 'the normal' was the problem." pic.twitter.com/Lu7mkydR6p — Giorgos Kallis (@g_kallis) March 27, 2020 I saw this on twitter and it struck a chord. There’s massive social and economic change ahead; the carnage will be painful but it also gives us a chance to rebuild…

  • Why women kill

    Coronavirus lockdown day 2 So by the end of day 2, it was suggested we watch Why Women Kill as the Friday night entertainment! Jokes aside, it’s a good watch, the continuity is well done between the three stories. We’re not getting on badly at all! I’m doing three or four hours of online meetings…